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International Journals

International Journals

  1. T. Prexawanprasut, T. Banditwattanawong, “Improving Minority Class Recall through a Novel Cluster-Based Oversampling Technique”, Informatics, vol.11, No.2, 35, 2024. (in ISI & Scopus)

  2. T. Banditwattanawong, M. Masdisornchote "Infrastructure-as-a-Service Ontology for Consumer-Centric Assessment", Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 37-45, 2023.​

  3. T. Banditwattanawong, A. M.P. Jankasem, and M. Masdisornchote (2023), "Hybrid data analytic technique for grading fairness", Data Technologies and Applications, vol.57 No.1, pp. 18-31. (in ISI & Scopus)

  4. S. Huapai, U. Moonpen and T. Banditwattanawong (2021) “Ontology-based broker system for interoperability of federated cloud computing platforms”, Int. J. Computer Applications in Technology, vol.67, No.1, pp.69–78. (in ISI & Scopus)

  5. T. Banditwattanawong and M. Masdisornchote, “On Characterization of Norm-referenced Achievement Grading Schemes toward Explainability and Selectability”, Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, vol.2021, pp.1-14, 2021. (in ISI & Scopus)

  6. U. Moonpen, S. Mungsing, and T. Banditwattanawong, “Classification Model Development Based on Cluster-to-class Distance Mapping for Tourism Form Prediction of Inbound Tourism Market in Thailand”, Current Applied Science and Technology, vol.21, No.2, pp.390-404, 2021. (in Scopus)

  7. T. Banditwattanawong, M. Masdisornchote, “On Formulation of Online Algorithm and Framework of Near-optimally Tractable Eviction for Nonuniform Caches”, Computer Networks, Elsevier, vol.178, article number 107332 , September 2020. (in ISI & Scopus) [PDF; embargo period passed]

  8. T. Banditwattanawong and M. Masdisornchote, “Temporal Acceleration for Cloud-CDN-Fog-Edge Hierarchy by Leveraging Proximal Object Replicas”, Internetworking Indonesia Journal, vol.11, No.2, pp.828-837, 2019. (in ISI & Scopus)

  9. C. Sriwiroj and T. Banditwattanawong, “Cache-as-a-Service for Client-Side Cloud Caching: Models and System”, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, vol.41, No.4, pp.828-837, 2019. (in ISI & Scopus)

  10. P. Pitiwan, A. Sriwihok, T. Banditwattanawong, and S. Mungsing, “Developing An Ontology Based on Theory of Planned Behavior”, Information - International Interdisciplinary Journal, vol.21, No.7, pp.1933-1942, 2018.

  11. T. Banditwattanawong, “The Optimality and Complexity of Offline Cache Replacement Policies for Nonuniform Objects”, International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, vol.7, no.3, pp.63-67, September 2018. (in INSPEC)

  12. T. Banditwattanawong, C. Vorakulpipat, M. Masdisornchote, “Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service Consumption at The Organisation Level: Exploratory Study in Thailand”, Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, vol.12, issue 2, pp.167-177, May-August 2018. (in ISI & Scopus).

  13. Banditwattanawong, T., Masdisornchote, M. and Uthayopas, P. “Multi-provider Cloud Computing Network Infrastructure Optimization”, Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, vol.55, pp.116-128, 2016. (in ISI & Scopus)

  14. T. Banditwattanawong, M. Masdisornchote, P. Uthayopas, "Hybrid Cloud Computing: Economy, Scalability and Responsiveness Optimization", Chiang Mai Journal of Science, vol.43, No.4, pp.884-896, July 2016. (in ISI & Scopus)

  15. T. Banditwattanawong and M. Masdisornchote, “Federated Taxonomies Toward Infrastructure-as-a-Service Evaluation”, International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS), vol.2, issue 8 (special issue 1), pp. 33-38, August 2016.

  16. T. Banditwattanawong and P. Uthayopas, "A Client-Side Cloud Cache Replacement Policy", ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology: Special section on papers selected from ECTI-CON 2013, vol.8, no.2, pp.113-121, Nov. 2014.

  17. K. Intratip, T. Banditwattanawong, S. Usanavasin, 2013.  “Stepwise Approach for Applying Coding Method of Grounded Theory to Ontology Design.” Journal of Convergence Information Technology (JCIT) An International Journal 8, 15: 23-32.

  18. T. Banditwattanawong, S. Hidaka, H. Washizaki, K. Maruyama, “SOOM: Scalable Object-Oriented Middleware for Cooperative and Pervasive Computings”, IEICE Transactions on Communications: special issue on Networks Software, vol.E90-B, no.4, Apr. 2007. (in ISI & Scopus)

  19. T. Banditwattanawong, S. Hidaka, H. Washizaki, K. Maruyama, “Optimization of Program Loading by Object Class Clustering”, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering: special issue on Electronics, Information and Systems of 21st Century, vol.1, issue 4, pp.397-407, John Wiley & Sons, Nov. 2006. (in ISI & Scopus)

  20. T. Banditwattanawong, S. Hidaka, H. Washizaki, K. Maruyama, “Cluster Replication for Distributed-Java-Object Caching”, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E89-D, no.11, pp.2712-2723, Nov. 2006. (in ISI & Scopus)

National Journals

National Journals

  1. Sinprasert, N. and Banditwattanawong, T., “Internet of Things System for Lime Trees in Cement Blocks: Cost-Effectiveness Assessment Model”, The Science Journal of Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, vol.19, no.2, pp.55-70, Jul.-Dec. 2022. (in TCI tier 2)

  2. U. Moonpen, S. Mungsing, and T. Banditwattanawong, “Classification Model Development Based on Cluster-to-class Distance Mapping for Tourism Form Prediction of Inbound Tourism Market in Thailand”, Current Applied Science and Technology, vol.21, No.2, pp.390-404, 2021. (in TCI tier 1).

  3. Sinprasert, N., Nattawuttisit, S., Mungsin S., and Banditwattanawong, T., “Internet of Things System for Improving Productivity of Lime with Fuzzy Logic and Edge Computing”, The Science Journal of Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, vol.17, no.1, pp.55-70, Jan.-Jun. 2020.​

  4. Moonpen, U., Mungsing, S., Banditwattanawong, T., “Clustering Algorithm Optimization Model for Essential Attribute Analysis of Tour Package Forms Inbound Tourism Market in Thailand”, The Journal of King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, vol.30, no. 3, pp. 656-667, Jul.-Sep. 2020. (in TCI tier 1)

  5. T. Banditwattanawong, C. Vorakulpipat, M. Masdisornchote, “Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service Consumption at The Organisation Level: Exploratory Study in Thailand”, Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, vol.12, issue 2, pp.167-177, May-August 2018. (in TCI tier 1)

  6. P. Jitsamran, S. Nattawuttisit and T. Banditwattanawong, "The Development of a Laying Hen Smart Farm Based on Fuzzy Logic and Raspberry Pi", Journal of Research Unit Science, Technology and Environment for Learning, vol. 8, No. 2, pp.356-367, Jul. 2017. (in TCI tier 1).

  7. C. Eaksrivichai, S. Nattawuttisit, T. Banditwattanawong, “The Compartive Efficiency Analysis of Hypervisors : Performance and Physical Resource Consumption”, Sripatum Review, vol.9, no.1, pp.76-87, Dec. 2017. (in TCI tier 1)

  8. T. Banditwattanawong, C. Vorakulpipat, M. Masdisornchote, “Cloud Infrastructure-As-a-Service : Status, Problems and Demands of Individual Users in Thailand”, KMUTT Research and Development Journal, vol.40, no.3, pp.447-460, July-September 2017. (in TCI tier 1)

  9. S. Huapai and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Use of Ontological Engineering Principle to Develop A Knowledge Base for Interoperability of Multi-Cloud Computing Platforms”, Sripatum Review, vol.9, no.1, pp.45-56, Dec. 2017. (in TCI tier 1).

  10. T. Chaksupa and T. Banditwattanawong, 2016 “The Development of Qualitative Factor Ontology for A Semantic  Search System in Developing Information Technology Hands-on Examination Problems”, Sripatum Review vol.9, no.1, pp.7-18, Dec. 2017. (in TCI tier 1)

  11. T. Banditwattanawong, C. Vorakulpipat, M. Masdisornchote, “The Survey of Cloud Infrastructure-As-A-Service Providers in Thailand”, Srinakharinwirot Science Journal, vol.33, no.1, Jun. 2017. (in TCI tier 1)

  12. T. Banditwattanawong, M. Masdisornchote, P. Uthayopas, "Hybrid Cloud Computing: Economy, Scalability and Responsiveness Optimization", Chiang Mai Journal of Science, vol.43, No.4, pp.884-896, July 2016. (in TCI tier 1)

  13. C. Sriwiroj and T. Banditwattanawong, “Cache-as-a-Service Models for Client-Side Shared Cloud Caching : Technical and Economical Perspectives”, Sripatum Review vol.8, no.1, pp.7-20, 2016. (in TCI tier 1)

  14. S. Huapai and T. Banditwattanawong, “A Multi-Platform Infrastructure-as-a-Service Selection Algorithm with Vector Space Model”, Veridian E-Journal, Science and Technology Silpakorn University, vol.3, no. 4, pp.12-29, August-September 2016. (in TCI tier 2)
  15. P. Pitiwan, A. Sriwihok and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Factors That Encourage Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Learning Communities Based on The Theory of Planned Behavior”, Sripatum Review, vol.6, no.1, pp.129-136, 2014. (in TCI tier 1) (academic paper).

International Conferences

International Conferences
  1. Y. Kosungnoen, T. Banditwattanawong, "Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning and Statistical Algorithms for Forecasting Inbound Foreign Tourism in Thailand", Proceedings of The 8th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology 2024 (InCIT2024), Cholburi, Thailand, 2024, 14-15 November 2024.​

  2. P. Chaipornkaew and T. Banditwattanawong, “A Recommendation Model Based on Visitor Preferences on Commercial Websites Using the TKD-NM Algorithm”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning, Big Data and Blockchain (DEEP-BDB 2021), Virtual online, 2021, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, pp. 123-133, Springer, 23-25 August 2021.

  3. P. Chaipornkaew and T. Banditwattanawong, “A Recommendation Model Based on User Behaviors on CommercialWebsites Using TF-IDF, KMeans, and Apriori Algorithms”, Proceedings of the The 17th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (IC2IT 2021), Bangkok, Thailand, 2020, Recent Advances in Information and Communication Technology 2021, pp. 55-65, Springer, 13-14 May 2021.

  4. T. Prexawanprasut and T. Banditwattanawong, “Improving the Performance of Imbalanced Learning and Classification of a Juvenile Delinquency Data”, Proceedings of the The 6th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (ISTA'20), Chennai, India, 2020, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 327-339, Springer, 14-17 Oct 2020.

  5. T. Banditwattanawong and M. Masdisornchote, “Norm-Referenced Achievement Grading: Methods and Comparison”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics 2020 (AISI’20), Cairo, Egypt, 2020, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 159-170, Springer. (in ISI & Scopus)

  6. T. Banditwattanawong and M. Masdisornchote, “Norm-Referenced Achievement Grading of Normal, Skewed, and Imperfectly Normal Distributions Based on Machine Learning versus Statistical Techniques”, 2020 IEEE Conference on Computer Applications (ICCA), Yangon, Myanmar, 2020.

  7. T. Banditwattanawong, “The Empirical Discovery of Near-Optimal Offline Cache Replacement Policies for Nonuniform Objects”, The 14th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (IC2IT2018), Recent Advances in Information and Communication Technology 2018, pp.286-296, Springer. (in ISI & Scopus)

  8. Silprasert, N. and Banditwattanawong, T. 2016. “The Development of a Fuzzy Logic Model for Lime Productivity Improvement”, The 1st Technology Innovation Management and Engineering Science international conference (TIMES-iCON2016), pp. 211-217, Bangkok, 30 Nov 2016.

  9. Banditwattanawong, T. and Masdisornchote, M. 2016. “Federated Taxonomies Toward Infrastructure-as-a-Service Evaluation”, The IRES 38th International Conference, pp. 19-24, Singapore, 3 Jun 2016.

  10. Nimnon, A., Petchartee S. and Banditwattanawong T., “Adaptive Learning of Multi-finger Motion and Force Control”, 19th International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC2015) on IEEE, Thailand, Nov. 2015.

  11. Banditwattanawong, T. 2015 “The Survey of Infrastructure-as-a-Service Taxonomies From Consumer Perspective”, The 10th International Conference on E-Business 2015 (iNCEB2015), Nov. 2015, Thailand.

  12. Banditwattanawong, T. and Masdisornchote, M. 2016. “Egress Cloud Computing with Big Data Attribution”, The 2nd International Conference on Communication and Computer Engineering (ICOCOE2015), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Series, vol. 362, Springer, pp. 683-692, Phuket, Thailand. (in ISI & Scopus)

  13. Sriwiroj, C. and Banditwattanawong, T. 2015 “A Cost Model for Client-Side CaaS”, Information Science and Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume 339, 2015, pp 361-368, Springer. (in ISI & Scopus)

  14. Sriwiroj, C. and Banditwattanawong, T. 2015 “An Economic Model for Client-Side Cloud Caching Service”, The 7th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST) on IEEE.

  15. Banditwattanawong, T., Masdisornchote, M. and Uthayopas, P. 2014. “The Smart Distribution of Social Media Contents”, IEEE 2014 International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON2014), Pattaya, Thailand. (in Scopus)

  16. Banditwattanawong, T. and Uthayopas, P. 2014. “Cloud-Enabling Technique for Dissimilar Charges”, KSIIS 2014 International Industrial Information Systems Conference (IIISC2014), pp. 119-120, Chiengmai, Thailand.

  17. Banditwattanawong, T., Masdisornchote, M. and Uthayopas, P. 2014. “Economical and Efficient Big Data Sharing with i-Cloud”, KIISE IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp2014), pp. 105-110, Bangkok, Thailand. (in Scopus)

  18. Banditwattanawong, T. and Uthayopas, P. 2013. “An Intelligent Cloud Cache Replacement Scheme”, IAIT International conference 2013, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series, vol. 409, Springer, pp. 23-34, Bangkok, Thailand. (in ISI & Scopus)

  19. T.Banditwattanawong, and P.Uthayopas, “Improving Cloud Scalability, Economy and Responsiveness with Client-Side Cloud Cache”, ECTI-CON IEEE International conference 2013, May 2013, Krabi, Thailand. (in Scopus)

  20. T.Banditwattanawong and P.Uthayopas, “Cloud Cache Replacement Policy: New Performances and Findings”, The 1st Annual PSU Phuket International Conference 2012, Jan. 2013, Phuket, Thailand. (Best paper awarded)

  21. T.Banditwattanawong, “From Web Cache to Cloud Cache”, proc. of Int. Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC2012), Springer, pp. 1-15, 11-13 May 2012, Hongkong (in Scopus)

  22. T.Banditwattanawong, H.Washizaki, S.Hidaka, and K.Maruyama, “Partial and On-demand Incremental Deployment of Java Application Program over the Internet”, proc. of IEEE Int. Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2006), Oct. 2006, Bangkok, Thailand (in Scopus)

  23. T.Banditwattanawong, S.Hidaka, H.Washizaki, and K.Maruyama, “Fine-grained Replication for Private-workspace and Memory-constrained Computings”, proc. of IFIP Int. Conf. on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2006), pp. 84-92, Oct. 2006, Tokyo, Japan

  24. T.Banditwattanawong, K.Maruyama, S.Hidaka, and H.Washizaki, “Proxy-and-hook: A Java-based Distributed Object Caching Framework”, proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics, Aug. 2005, Perth, Australia (in Scopus)

  25. T.Banditwattanawong, K.Maruyama, S.Hidaka, and H.Washizaki, “Contemporaneity-conscious Clustering Algorithm for Distributed Object Caching”, proc. of the Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’05), pp. 277-283, Jun. 2005, Lasvcs, U.S.A. (in Scopus)

  26. T. Banditwattanawong, “IPv6 Trial Services of NECTEC-TH”, proc. of the 3rd IEEE Int. Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2003), pp. 928-931, Sep. 2003, Songkla, Thailand 

  27. T. Banditwattanawong, R. Sadananda, “An Agent-based Software Analysis and Design Using Object-Oriented Agent Patterns”, proc. of the 10th Int. Society for Computers and Their Applications (ISCA) conf. on Intelligent Systems (IS-2001), pp. 17-22, Jun. 2001, Virginia, U.S.A.

National Conferences

National Conferences
  1. N. Rojnirunchai and T. Banditwattanawong, "Cross-Platform Telemedicine System for Hospitals in Thailand", The 8th UTCC National Conference, 2024, Thailand.

  2. K. Chankong and T. Banditwattanawong, “Software-as-a-Service for Restaurant Table Reservation and Food Pre-ordering Using Low-code Development Platform”, 12th National Conference in Innovative Business and Entrepreneurship, 2024, Thailand.

  3. T. Charoensri and T. Banditwattanawong, “Customer Behavior Clustering for Marketing Promotion of Thailand Post with Hybrid Machine Learning Techniques”, PCRUSCI Conference, 2023, Thailand.

  4. T. Sangaunwong and T. Banditwattanawong, “Examination Result Repository System Using Blockchain”, The 5th CRU-National Conference in Science and Technology, 2022, Thailand.​

  5. W. Chumyen and T. Banditwattanawong, “Contactless Water Dispenser Based on Internet of Things”, The 18th National Conference on Computing and Information Technology (NCCIT2022), 2022, Thailand.

  6. A. Vaichiaranai and T. Banditwattanawong, “Simultaneous Multi-facial Recognition Software-as-a-Service for Class Attendance Checking”, The 18th National Conference on Computing and Information Technology (NCCIT2022), 2022, Thailand.

  7. K. Seshajoti and T. Banditwattanawong, “Data Privacy Management System on Cloud According to Personal Data Protection Act”, The 18th National Conference on Computing and Information Technology (NCCIT2022), 2022, Thailand.

  8. M. Unnadathorn, S. Mungsing and T. Banditwattanawong, "Predictive Models for Tour Package in Thailand Based on the Characteristic of Inbound Tourists with Data Mining on Cloud", The 14th National Conference on Computing and Information Technology, 2018, Thailand.

  9. N. Buasri, S. Nattawuttisit and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Analysis of Information Technology Applications of Automotive Industry 4.0 in China: The Case Study of Chongqing and Sichuan”, The 5th Academic Science and Technology Conference, 2017, Thailand.

  10. C. Eaksrivichai, S. Nattawuttisit and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Comparative Efficiency Analysis of Hypervisors VMware Workstation and Oracle VM Virtualbox: Performance and Physical Resource Consumption”, The 12TH National Conference on Health and Wellness, 2017, Thailand.

  11. S. Charoencharoenchai and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Comparative Study of Virtualization Software Performance : The Case Study of VMware Workstation and Red Hat Virtualization”, The 11TH National and International Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2016, Thailand.

  12. Y. Namaungrak and T. Banditwattanawong, “Digital Signage Content Design Based on NoSQL and Cloud Computing”, The 11TH National and International Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2016, Thailand.

  13. W. Buasri and T. Banditwattanawong, “An Ontology for Knowledge Mapping from Profession into The Computer Science Courses of Undergraduate Degree”, The 11TH National and International Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2016, Thailand.

  14. A. Jankasem and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Ontology Development of Exercise Method Based on The Physical Fitness Standard Criteria of Thai Citizens for Old Age”, The 11TH National and International Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2016, Thailand.

  15. K. Phisat and T. Banditwattanawong, “A Cloud Service for Tracking The Progress of Construction And Sales”, The 11TH National and International Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2016, Thailand.

  16. J. Sukchoosri and T. Banditwattanawong, “An Information Technology Support System Based on Software-As-A-Service And Configuration Management Database: A Case Study of Maintenance Outsourcing Project, Yipintsoi Company Limited”, The 11TH National and International Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2016, Thailand.

  17. Y. Kongcha and T. Banditwattanawong, “A Performance Monitoring-And-Evaluation Cloud Service for Land And Houses Bank Public Company Limited”, The 11TH National and International Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2016, Thailand.

  18. N. Yoocharoean and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Development of A Software-As-A-Service for Pet Food Shop Management: The Case Study of Auddy Pet Shop”, The 11th National And International Sripatum University Conference on Research And Innovation Towards Sustainable Development, 2016, Thailand.

  19. S. Weangsima and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Survey and Integration of Cloud Computing Service Level Agreements”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  20. J. Hanviset and T. Banditwattanawong, “A Precision Cassava Productivity Improvement Model Using Fuzzy System”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  21. T. Chaksupa, W. Hannuongbua and T. Banditwattanawong, “An Ontology for Quality Hands-On Examination Development in Information Technology”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  22. P. Jitsumran, M. Boonploy and T. Banditwattanawong, “A Productivity Control Model for Laying Hen Farming with Fuzzy Logic”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  23. I. Samruayruen and T. Banditwattanawong, “A Cloud Service for Queue Management”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  24. S. Phothong and T. Banditwattanawong, “Software-as-a-Service for Performance Evaluation of Royal Thai Army Officers: A Case Study of Physics Department, Academic Division, Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  25. S. Kannonsung and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Analysis and Design of A Cloud Service for The Map Data Survey, Store and Operation Tracking of Royal Thai Survey Department”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  26. T. Tuvayanont and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Analysis and Design of Geographic Information System for Military Planning Using Cloud Platform in PaaS”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  27. C. Sookcharoen and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Analysis and Design of A Cloud Computing Service for The Network Connection Fault Reporting of Department of Lands”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  28. N. Wipadapisut and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Analysis and Design of A Questionnaire As A Service”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  29. A. Yoocharoen and T. Banditwattanawong, “A Guideline for Digital Video Content Creation And Delivery on Cloud: Comprehension And Realization in Cloud Computing as a Case Study”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  30. P. Wongmuang and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Analysis And Design of An Education Quality Assurance Report Filing as a Service for Early Childhood and Basic Education”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  31. T. Thongket and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Analysis and Design of A Service-Request and Test Report-Tracking as a Service for Industrial Metrology and Testing Service Centre”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  32. R. Tanprasert and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Analysis and Design of A Cloud Sevice for Central Market and Community of Pig Farmer”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  33. C. Nerntira and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Analysis and Design of A Cloud Service for Pig Production Planning”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  34. D. Kerdphon and T. Banditwattanawong, “The Analysis and Design of A Cloud Service for Pig Farms and Food and Medicine Warehouse”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  35. J. Nilto and T. Banditwattanawong, “A Responsive Web-Based System for Industrial Inventory Disbursement: A Case Study of Elec & Eltek (Thailand) Limited”, The 10TH National Sripatum University Conference on Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Development, 2015, Thailand.

  36. T. Banditwattanawong and P. Meebundit, “The Comparative Analysis between Opensource Hypervisor and Closed-Source Hypervisor on Multi-Platform Operating Systems”, The 7TH National Conference on Information Technology (NCIT2015), 2015, Thailand.

  37. T. Uengthong, T. Banditwattanawong, “The Performance Measurement of LAN with Mobile Online Service”, The 6TH National Conference on Information Technology (NCIT2014), 2014, Thailand

  38. C. Vorakulpipat, T. Banditwattanawong, “UML Application in Medical Case Study”, MEDIT 2004 Thailand Ministry of Public Health’s 13th conference, 2004, Pathumthani, Thailand

  39. T. Banditwattanawong, “NECTEC-TH’s Pseudo IPv6 Address Assignment and Policy”, CIT2003: conf. on Internet Technology, pp. 66-71, May 13, 2003, Pathumthani, Thailand


  1. T. Banditwattanawong, “Cloud Computing Fundamental”, MEB, Ookbee, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019.

  2. T. Banditwattanawong, “Database Analysis, Design, and Implementation”, MEB, Ookbee, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019.

  3. T. Banditwattanawong, “Cyber Scout”, chapters “Computer Crimes” and “Security Threats and Controls”, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Thailand, 2016. (in Thai)

  4. T. Banditwattanawong, “Database Design”, Provision, Bangkok, Thailand, 2011. (in Thai)

  5. T. Banditwattanawong, C. Vorakulpipat, “UML: Standard Language for Software Developer”, Se-Ed, Bangkok, Thailand, 2001. (in Thai)

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